Newsletter Tokeeen nĀ°1
[October 30th 2018] : We are very proud to send the very first Tokeeen newsletter! The website has progressed a lot since the last few months and we have kept improving it on a daily basis. You want to know more about it? Here we go!
What's up doc ? š¤
From now on, you can add a unit to your habits š
This feature allows you to follow a habit very cleverly by quantifying it, here are a few examples:
- Today, I've walked 11203 steps š¾
- Today, I've smoked 3 cigarettes š
- Today, I've done 50 push-ups šŖ
It is free text, so you can now really follow anything you want! Thanks to these data, you get statistics on what you do on a daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly basis. The annual follow-up page allows you to compare your progress month by month.
You can now add notes š¬
Adding notes allow you, as things arise, to make a diary related to a specific habit. It can therefore be useful for instance if you wish to note down a training program or simply to remember a particular feeling on a specific day, either when you were experiencing difficulties or, on the contrary, when you went beyond your objectives. Therefore, you can now remember what happened and what the conditions were.
Complete my history š
It is now possible to input past data. For instance, when you are on holiday, or simply are late in inputting data, it will enable you not to have "blanks" and have an ongoing calendar in which no data will be missing. To input a late activity, use the browser "Previous month", "Next month", select the day in question and input your data, and it is done!
Other features š
There are too many of them to be all detailed in this newsletter, but here is a brief insight:
- You can mark a habit as negative
- Two objectives are now available : weekly and daily
- You can invert the daily objective to indicate the threshold not to exceed (instead of an objective to meet, eg: 3 cigarettes maximum)
- You can add a monthly counter to the habit name
- You can choose not to take into account the business days for a specific habit (eg: going to work)
- You can share a habit with friends
- You can match an inspiring quotation to each habit
- You can see since when a specific habit has not been validated
- You can visualize the ongoing series of straight days
- You can visualize the set of notes of a specific month, below the calendar
- Your daily reminder contains known quotations related to habits
- ... and a lot more, go and discover them!
What else is planned? š”
One of the most awaited feature is the display of series. Several new pages are in progress. One of them is a page listing all your current series, and another one will present the series' records you have broken for each habit. All those should be available before the end of the year. As you can notice, WE also have new resolutions ahead of schedule!
Tokeeen : It is your application ā¤
Our goal is to create a website that really meets our members' expectations. Your feedback is therefore very important to us. You got a bug? You have a feature in mind that would be very useful to you? Do not hesitate to talk to us about it. Those requests will be treated as a priority if we believe they could be liked and adopted by the whole community.
Currently : Le #MoisSansTabac (French "Stoptober") š
The stoptober is almost over... Have you managed to stop? Bravo! The "#MoisSansTabac" is starting on November 1st, so why wouldn't you carry on? We have written an article/made a tutorial showing how to follow and continue this challenge with us. Do not hesitate to consult it (see link below) (a surprise is maybe waiting for you... š¤)