A month without tobacco: the stoptober
On the 1st of november 2025, the public health of England initiates the stoptober (1 month without tobacco) operation with the Twitter hashtag : #stoptober.
It is obviously a very good idea and I leave you to discover the whole plan of action that was set up, you'll see it is very complete.
What role does Tokeeen play in all that?
Tokeeen is a habit tracker, and as such, it will help you in this challenge by allowing you to "confirm" your successful days. Hoping of course, that you will stand firm throughout the whole month! We will help you succeed in this challenge.
Follow my habit
The goal here is to set-up a new habit: "Spend a day without smoking" and to follow your tobacco consumption. You first need to create an account. If you don't already have one, you can register by clicking the link below. (But then come back here to follow the tutorial!):
Once your account is created, click on the 1st meter top left 1/1 to access your habit list. Once you're on that page, indicate the title of the habit that will allow you to follow your tobacco consumption. Since we are in the Stoptober challenge, you can therefore choose as a habit title: "Spend a day without smoking". Enter this title in the corresponding field and confirm with the "add" button. You then reach the setup screen of your habit.
In this form, the most important is to specify the follow-up unit. Generally, we will choose "cigarette" as a unit. You can therefore enter "cigarette" in the unit field. Then you can confirm it with the "save" button at the bottom of the form. Next, we will be interested in another feature, it is the "Bad habit" checkbox. (Scroll down to see this option). If you check this option, when you will mark a day as unsuccessful (you smoked), it will appear in red in the calendar. On the other hand, the day will stay grey or blue if you took notes. If you are very motivated to quit smoking, it is better to check that box. But say your goal is to reduce your tobacco consumption, it might be better not to check that box.
Congratulations! You created and configured you first habit on Tokeeen! Let's now see how you can follow your progression.
Confirm my habit
The idea is therefore to come back every day at the end of the day to key your progression. 2 different options: You stood firm today? Congratulations. You succeeded, it is a victory. Be proud of yourself! You can therefore confirm your habit by clicking on the green icon on the left:
You can access your habit list by clicking on the first meter 1/2 at the top left of your screen. As you can see, your habit now appears in green (success) in the list. β
1st day confirmed without tobacco... check!!! β
2nd option, you smoked. Too bad, but it is alright! In this case, click on the red icon . Click on your habit title to access you calendar. The day will appear in red or in grey as explained before (it depends on the setting of your negative habit). The goal here is to give information about your consumption so as to have a precise follow-up of your progression. Click on the calendar day, a popup will open as below:
I key my follow-up
In this popup, two things will mainly be of interest to us. Your consumption follow-up; enter the number of cigarettes you have smoked in the pre-filled "cigarettes" field. (It is the unit previously selected). Then, just above you have a field that allows you to indicate how you feel and why you didn't stick to your goal: I was at a party, it was harder to stand firm today... Just enter everything that goes through you mind. Those notes will be important later when you will take stock of what you accomplished or simply to make a list of all the risky situations that prevented you from reaching your goal for a given day. This will allow you to remember your ups and downs and how you handled the situation in some cases. π Once you input all that, confirm with the "save" button. You can now see above the calendar your monthly consumption with the daily and weekly averages. Below the calendar you can access every note you took during the month.
What about now?
Gradually, your history is filling up. On the calendar every green checkbox represents a no-cigarette day. To access your habit's calendar, click on its title. Here you can access all your habit statistics for the current month, which allows you to see your progression if you respected the commitments and the objectives you had set for yourself:
I quit smoking, what is my progression for this month? π€
Other habits
To help you out with this challenge, you can obviously add other habits that will help you, find below a few examples:
- Exercise or work out β½
- Go hiking πΆββοΈ
- Drink a glass of water π°
- Avoid a risky situation (Break with colleagues βΈ, a drink after work...π»)
- Add everything that can help you! πͺ
And voilΓ , you have all you need, now let the challenge begin, good luck!
PS: To access the "Stopober" demo account, click here.
P2: Tokeeen works on any device using a browser : Chrome, Safari, Firefox... No download is necessary. It is free and ad-free!
PS3: If you need any help or support, don't hesitate to discuss it with us using the messenger chat at the bottom right. or by sending us an email.
PS4: We will soon add a feature that will allow you to calculate automatically how much you have saved compared to your usual consumption according to your new commitments. Make sure to be subscribed to our newsletter so as to be informed when it becomes available.