What is Tokeeen?
It can also help you in order to manage your daily to-do lists.
How does it work?
There are two main features provided by Tokeeen:
• My habits
You can follow your daily habits. Add an item, for example, "Go outside and walk", when you have accomplished a task click on the icon.
Then, this item will be transferred to the Done section and you earn one point. By default a habit can be done multiple times a day.
For example "Help someone", the second time you have done this habit within a day, click on the button, then an additional point will be awarded to this habit.
As the opposite, if you can't accomplish one of you habit anymore: example: "Have a day without social network", then click on the button.
This time, this habit will be transferred to the Fail section.
You can edit, archive and delete your habits in the manage page.
To edit an item, click on the , in the detail page you can:
- Change the label
- Add notes about the habit
- Choose if the habit can be done more than once a day
- Choose if the habit can be shared with someone
- Change your goal by week (from 1 to 7 times a week)
The goal is to accomplish the more habit you can depending on the goal you have set within a day. When the day is over the list will be reinitiated. (The medals will come soon!)
• My to-dos lists
You can add items with the form at the top of the page, click on the icon when you have accomplished a task.
The item will be transferred to the Done section with the associated date and time you have done it.
You can move the priority of a task by drop-and-dropping it to another position in the list. The new priority will be automatically saved.
You can sort your to-dos by category. There is a dedicated page where you can manage your categories, in this page you can sort and archive them.
To edit a task click on the button. in this popup you can:
- Change the label
- Associate an URL (for example a page of a product you want to buy later)
You can re-initiate your to-do lists using the button at the bottom of the done section.
Is it free?
Yes, it's free and there is no ads.
Nevertheless, you can support us and become a patron.
A premium membership will soon be available (all patrons will be automatically upgraded when available)
What about security?
Security is essential for us:
- The whole site use https (look at the padlock in your browser status bar
) to encrypt all communications between our servers and your browser.
- The passwords are encrypted with a strong algorithm and are never stored or sent by email as plain text.
- It is impossible for us to send you your current password, if you forget it you will have to use the reinitiate password form.
How are used my data?
- You are the only one who will be able to see all your data.
- Your data will never be transferred to a third party company without your permission.
- You can delete your account at any time using the delete my account page, all your activity and data on this website will be lost and can't be recovered.
Can I use it on my smartphone/tablet?
Yes of course. The website was first developed for these devices so you can check your habits whenever and wherever you want. We strongly encourage you to add an icon on your smartphone home screen. To add an icon on your iPhone or Android, look at the following tutorial.
What about tracking?
- The website use cookies in order to keep you logged. You won't be able to log in if your cookies are disabled.
- There is a Google analytics tag so we can follow the audience of the website.